Tuesday Burger Night
Tuesday March 25th
Every Tuesday
$8 dollar burgers.
04:00 PM - 09:00 PM
2025-03-25 16:00:002025-03-25 21:00:00America/New_YorkTuesday Burger Night$8 dollar burgers.
Tuesday March 25th
Tuesdays every 4 weeks
Friends, dice and food
06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
2025-03-25 18:30:002025-03-25 20:30:00America/New_YorkBuncoFriends, dice and food
Charity Bingo
Wednesday March 26th
Wednesdays every 2 weeks
Hosts Sandy and Judy. Fun night
06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
2025-03-26 18:30:002025-03-26 20:30:00America/New_YorkCharity BingoHosts Sandy and Judy. Fun night
Thursday Trivia
Thursday March 27th
Every Thursday
Fun teams. Food and prizes
07:00 PM - 08:30 PM
2025-03-27 19:00:002025-03-27 20:30:00America/New_YorkThursday TriviaFun teams. Food and prizes
Live Music w Rachel Duffen
Friday March 28th
BBQ, friends and music
06:30 PM - 09:30 PM
2025-03-28 18:30:002025-03-28 21:30:00America/New_YorkLive Music w Rachel DuffenBBQ, friends and music
Live Music w OMG
Saturday March 29th
Music, food and friends
06:30 PM - 09:30 PM
2025-03-29 18:30:002025-03-29 21:30:00America/New_YorkLive Music w OMGMusic, food and friends
Tuesday Bingo
Tuesday April 1st
Charity Bingo w hosts Judy and Sandy
06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
2025-04-01 18:30:002025-04-01 20:30:00America/New_YorkTuesday BingoCharity Bingo w hosts Judy and
Open Mic
Wednesday April 2nd
Wednesdays every 2 weeks
Amazing musicians, great food and friends
06:00 PM - 09:00 PM
2025-04-02 18:00:002025-04-02 21:00:00America/New_YorkOpen MicAmazing musicians, great food and friends
Sunday April 20th
Come celebrate Easter with us!
11:00 AM - 11:59 PM
2025-04-20 11:00:002025-04-20 23:59:00America/New_YorkEasterCome celebrate Easter with us!
Mother's Day
Sunday May 11th
Join us on Mother's Day and treat your mom to a delicious meal!
11:00 AM - 11:59 PM
2025-05-11 11:00:002025-05-11 23:59:00America/New_YorkMother's DayJoin us on Mother's Day and treat your mom to a delicious meal!
Father's Day
Sunday June 15th
Treat your dad and join us for Father's Day!
11:00 AM - 11:59 PM
2025-06-15 11:00:002025-06-15 23:59:00America/New_YorkFather's DayTreat your dad and join us for Father's Day!